Title: Piksy: Malawi’s Award-Winning Music Sensation Drops New Hit “Lemba” Introduction: Piksy, the renowned Malawian artist, has once again proven his musical prowess with the release of his latest single, “Lemba”. Produced by the talented Macia, this song showcases Piksy’s unique blend of lyrical depth and catchy melodies. The Artist: Piksy, a multiple award-winning artist, is celebrated for his humility and professionalism. His dedication to his craft has earned him a loyal fan base and critical acclaim. The Song: “Lemba” is a thought-provoking track that explores themes of love, heartache, and perseverance. The lyrics, sung in Chichewa, showcase Piksy’s storytelling ability: “Zambiri ndikonda, ndizondisocheletsa Ndizoyipa koma ndizondikondweretsa To make things worse, zindi vuta kupewa Ndizomwe zikuthandiza moyowu kufewa” Production: Macia’s production skills bring “Lemba” to life, complementing Piksy’s soulful vocals with a mesmerizing beat. Conclusion: Piksy’s “Lemba” is a must-listen for music enthusiasts. With its captivating lyrics and infectious rhythm, this song solidifies Piksy’s position as a leading artist in Malawi’s music scene. Additional Info: – Stream “Lemba” on
By Alvin G Ajussah